Saturday, March 5, 2022

Jeera chilli / Cumin chillies - Nonspicy and Tasty


Cumin chilli is a very tasty recipe. It makes tasty side dish for lunch or dinner. It can be prepared in just 5 minutes and easy cooking too. The complete recipe is below.
Cooking time : 5 minutes
Servings : 2 chillies per serving

Non spicy chillies 
Cumin and salt mixed powder

Select any non spicy chillies -Korean chilli, Japanese chilli etc
Wash the chillies
Make a mixture of cumin powder and salt
Spread the cumin salt mixture inside chillies
Take a pan, add oil
When the oil is hot place the chillies
Shallow fry on both sides
The non spicy cumin flavored chillies are ready to serve


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