Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Jalebi is an awesome yummy dessert or say sweet from Indian recipes. Easy to prepare yet time consuming too. The jalebis are prepared using all purpose flour/maida flour and curd, along with baking powder/soda to make it ferment. The batter is then fried in ghee or oil and dipped in sugar syrup.The detail of the recipe is provided below.
Preparation time: 1 hour
Servings: 20 Jalebis

All purpose flour -2cups
Baking powder  -1/2 tsp
Curd -1 cup 
Orange/Yellow food colour -2 drops
Oil/ghee for deep frying

For the sugar syrup:

water  1cup 
sugar 1.5 cups 
cardamom powder-1/4tspoon
Lemon juice- 1/4tspoon

Sugar Syrup:

  1. Take a cooking bowl, add water and sugar, cardamom powder.
  2. Keep this sugar solution on stove and cook till you get a syrup consistency.
  3. When you hold the syrup between the fingers,If one thread is formed between your fingers the syrup is done. 


  1. Take a bowl mix all purpose four, baking soda, curd and mix well
  2. Keep it aside for 24 hours to get fermented
  3. Later add 2 drops of orange food color  and mix well -transfer this fermented batter into a Jalebi maker/ ketchup dispensing bottle.
  4. Heat the oil/ghee for deep frying, For the right temperature, add a small amount of batter into the oil. If  rises to the top of the oil, the oil is hot enough. 
  5. Maintain Medium  flame  at all times to ensure perfect cooking of the Jalebis.
  6. Now using Jalebi maker/ ketchup dispenser , hold it over the hot oil and squeeze the Jalebi batter into the oil into a  coiled circle. Fry it until it become light golden colour. Take out the Jalebis and add them directly to the syrup
  7. Allow to soak for 2-3 minutes and then remove from syrup. Jalebi ready to taste.