Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Radish Leaves Curry


Radish leaves are having lot of health benefits. The anti-microbial and antioxidant property of radish leaves helps to remove these toxins and helps to purify the blood as well as keeps liver and kidney healthy. Radish leaves curry is easy and quick recipe. It will be very very tasty. Here is the recipe for you.
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 1 cup per serving

Radish leaves - 1 bunch (Makes 1 cup curry )
Salt as per taste
Oil - 1 tablespoon (coconut oil or cooking oil)
Chopped Onions - 1 cup
Turmeric powder -1 pinch
Grated coconut -1/2 cup
Green chillis - 2

  1. Take a Pan, Add oil , when oil is hot add Chopped onion and green chilli
  2. When onion is transparent add chopped radish leaves
  3. Let it cook for sometime, Add salt as per taste
  4. Close the lid and cook for 10 minutes
  5. Open open the lid and add grated coconut
  6. Close the lid and again cook for 4 minutes
  7. Add some turmeric powder
  8. Let the water evaporate
  9. Radish leaves curry is ready to serve.

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