Friday, December 8, 2017

Potato Wedges

Potato wedges prepared by deep frying method. wedges can also be prepared on a non stick pan,oven or in microwave too, depending on your interest. Potato wedges is one of those dish which is liked a lot by kids. Very easy and quick to prepare. It was very tasty and yummy. The description of recipe is given below. Please try and let me know how you liked it.
Preparation time: 30 min
Servings -5

Potato big ones -3
Salt as per taste
Red chilli powder -1tspoon
Herbs -Can use Dry oregano, Dry fenugreek leaves, Dry Mint leaves [I used Fenugreek and mint here]
Rice flour -1/4 cup
Corn flour -1/4 cup
Garlic paste -1/2 tspoon [Optional]

Oil for deep frying


  1. Peel the potato skin or can keep depending on your interest and cut it into wedge shape, thicker as shown in the image.
  2.  Put them in a bowl, add water until the potatoes get dipped. 
  3. Add  1/4 spoon of salt. Boil it for around 4 min in medium flame [Just half boil it, if overcooked it will break] and strain the water. Keep the potatoes to dry.
  4. Take a mixing bowl, add rice flour, corn flour, powdered dry herbs, garlic paste, Red chilli powder, Salt, and required quantity of water to make it thick paste.
  5. Add potatoes to the bowl , Mix and let the batter make coat on potato wedges. 
  6. Heat the oil in the pan, Add the potatoes and fry it well. Once it is golden colour, take them out from the oil.
  7. Drain the excess oil on a tissue cloth
  8. The hot potato wedges ready to serve with sauce.

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