Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Egg Crispy Fry


Egg Crispy Fry is an easy recipe with simple ingredients, method of preparation and tasty recipe in few minutes. The boiled eggs are made into pieces and coated with a layer of batter and shallow fried or deep fried to get a crispy egg fry.
The description of the recipe is posted here.
Preparation time: 5 minutes when used the boiled eggs
Servings: 2 -One serving is 4 pieces

Boiled Eggs -2
Corn Flour -1/2 tablespoon
Rice flour -1tspoon
Red chilli powder 1/2 tspoon
Garlic ginger paste -1 spoon
Salt as per taste
Food color -1 pinch [Optional]
Oil for deep frying

  1. Corn flour,Rice flour,garlic paste,red chilli powder,food color, small quantity of water and salt in a bowl. Mix it well. Add the cut pieces of boiled eggs and make sure that a thin/thick layer of batter is coated on eggs.
  2. Heat oil for deep frying pan. Fry corn flour coated egg until it reaches golden color and take it out from the oil.
  3. Drain the excess of oil on a tissue towel
  4. Egg crispy fry is ready to serve with Tomato ketchup or mint chutney or as it is.

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