Friday, July 27, 2018

Groundnut chat

Hi friends, Just a quick chat to prepare when you have fresh boiled groundnuts. Boiled groundnuts will so very tasty, I thought of preparing it as a chat and it turned out so very tasty.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking groundnuts:15 minutes
Serving: 1 bowl per serving

Chopped onion
Chopped Tomato [Optional]
Chopped coriander leaves
Salt as per taste
Redchilli powder or chilli paste as per taste
Murmura/puffed rice [optional]

  1. Boil the groundnuts along with outer shell in water and small quantity of salt in a pressure cooker for 3 whistles in medium flame
  2. Remove the groundnuts from  shells.
  3. Take a bowl, add all the above mentioned ingredients and mix well.
  4. Add less quantity of salt as the groundnuts would have already absorbed salt while boiling them.
  5. Ground nut chat ready to serve.

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