Saturday, July 21, 2018

Jowar Roti

Jowar roti/Jolada roti with Egg burji and thotakura talimpu. Jolada roti and brinjal yennegayi famous in North Karnataka, Andhrapradesh and many other parts of india.  Main ingredient is Jowar/sorghum flour.
Jowar roti is made usually by kneading the dough well for long time on large wooden plate and tapping it with palms.
But to make easier and quick for those who struggle making jowar roti by usual technique,can follow this.

Preparation time:30min
Servings: 4 large rotis

Jowar flour/Jolada hittu -2cups
Salt -1/2tspoon
Oil 1tspoon
Water- 3cups


  1. Take a cooking vessel, add water 2cups, salt and oil. Bring it to boil [Meanwhile in another bowl keep extra 1 cup water to boil- this we can use if needed during the kneading of dough]
  2. When water in the cooking vessel is  boiling add the Jowar flour and without mixing it close the lid, cook it for around 4 minutes in a very slow flame, so that jowar flour gets cooked up in water and steam inside as well and switch off the flame.
  3. Open the lid, Using a wooden laddle, knead  well so that there is no lumps formed. If the dough requires more water now you can use the extra water which was kept for boiling. Make a smooth and soft dough of thick consistency ready to make roti.
  4. Take dough, make balls and flatten. Press it using a roti maker or rolling pin by dusting the wheat flour.
  5.  Thickness depends on how well you can roll it using rolling pin. Make thin roti as much as possible.
  6. Place the roti on tava, As soon as u place use a very wet cloth and press all over the roti. Let it cook well and cook on other side too.
  7. Jolada roti will be ready to serve.
  8. Prepare any side dish of your wish vegetarian or nonvegetarian and enjoy the tasty roti.

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