Friday, July 27, 2018

Lemon Sweet pickle

Lemons are well known for pickles and they are also used in many recipes too. Lemon can be pickled in salty, spicy and also sweetly. Today will be posting how to make sweet pickle with lemon. Main ingredients are Lemon and sugar.
Look out for complete recipe here.
Preparation time :10min
Serving : 1 spoon per serving

Big Lemons - 3
Salt -6tspoon
Sugar -10tspoon
Clove powder -a half pinch


  1. Cut the lemon into small pieces. 
  2. Transfer this to a glass jar, add  the Salt, mix well and close the lid. 
  3. Do not open the lid for around 8-10 days. Each day just shake the jar to mix the ingredients well.
  4.  In 10 to 12 days lemon will become soft.
  5. Take a steel cooking bowl add the lemon pieces, sugar, clove powder.
  6. Mix well -keep it on slow flame, mixing well until half the sugar melts. Remove from stove, let it cool.
  7. Transfer to same glass jar again. keep for a day with closed lid. Tasty sweet pickle will be ready.
  8. Refrigerate for more shelf life and freshness.
  9. Pickle changes to honey color in some days but no need to worry. They are consumable.

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